I was perusing through my food journal just now and realized that I am 21 days binge-free as of today!  I usually make it about 2 weeks before I give in and feed my face like a starving animal, so I'm very proud of this accomplishment!  Not only have I not binged, but I really haven't had the urge.  Being a part of dietbet has kept me focused on getting to my goal weight and I've just been plugging along.  It's kind of a miracle that I haven't even considered going on a food bender.  That's huge for me!  I think eating reasonable meals is really helping me.  I see a lot of people here doing cleanses or eating next to nothing and it just makes me sad.  I've been through that so many times that I know it doesn't work for the long term.  Ugh.  And "cheat days".  You don't need cheat days if you just properly fuel your body.  But, enough of that.  I am not here to judge others.  I know that we all need to do it our own way and figure things out for ourselves.

I stepped on the scale on Saturday to find that I've hit my DB#1 4% goal weight!  Woohoo!  Of course the scale has been bouncing up and down because of normal fluctuations so I don't know if it'll stick yet, but I have 10 days left so I'm not worried.  I mentioned in my last post that I was considering dropping out of DB#2 and I did.  I was never going to make that goal without extreme tactics, which isn't worth it to me.  I'm happy to say that I'm 27% percent of the way to my transformer month 1 goal so I'm turning my focus to that.  I'm right on track so far!

It's getting harder and harder to blog because I just don't have much to say.  Things are working which is great but it makes for boring posts.  LOL.  I am not complaining.  :)