I don't usually do blogs.. but I think it's a great way for me to keep track of my weightloss journey on this site.. so here I go :)


I've joined two games. A Transformer, because I know it will take me a while to achieve my goal, and a Kickstarter to.. well.. get a kickstart :D

My starting weight was 95 kg on the Transformer, and I'm already down 0.7 kg, so I'm quite happy with the beginning. But to reach my goal on the Kickstarter, I'll have to up my game. I'll have to lose 1 kg per week on average. And right now I'm quite confident that I can do just that. In the end, I want to get down to 70 kg. But I know that it will take more than 6 months for me to get there.


My plan:

  • eat between 1600 and 1850 kcal/day
  • eat 5 portions of vegetables and fruit every day
  • stop eating when I'm full
  • drink LOTS of water and herbal tea (not dieting it's 2 liters/day, so I'll try to do at least 3)
  • at least 20 km on foot every week (running or walking)
  • at least 2 workouts at home every week


I've already started, so the only changes left are: a little less calories (so far it was 1800 - 2200, and I'll go back to that after the Kickstarter), and doing workouts at home. The rest I'll "just" have to stick to.


Obstacles I might run into: 

  • family gatherings with cakes etc
  • depression
  • alcohol 

I think I can handle these, but I need to be aware of them. Actually, alcohol will be the most difficult, because the occasions are most common. But I've already had a night out without alcohol, and with my most "adamant" friend regarding drinking, so I think I'll be alright.

Luckily, putting money down is a BIG motivator for me, so I really believe I won't give up after a couple of weeks or so.


So I guess I'm ready to REALLY get started now :)