Well today is day 7 of my first week with the dietbet site. I have to say its been a great, an exciting first week! Ive tried so many other things to help me loose weight. Weight Watchers online 6.0..(times) back and forth, thinking that day was going to be the day, only to feel like, Ugh, this is boring, been there, done that...I am a life time member of weight watchers...in my 20s I gained 65 pounds with my son, they thought he was twins, 2 heart beats, etc...only to find one baby weighing a healthy 6 lbs..my son is the light of my life...But with the online site for me, I felt I didnt have others to bounce things off off. Yeah, I could have gone to a meeting, but with those I have found to be repetitious in conversation and there doesnt seem to be that camaraderie. Come in you weigh in, the leader asks questions, everyone stares at the other to answer, the meetings over, next week..next...
A year ago I came across a video documentary about this guy who wanted to loose weight, get healthy because of a rare form of Psoriasis where he was talking a considerable amount of Prednisone. Im not sure why, but something about his message pullled me in. Maybe it was my medical background, I dont know, but something pulled me in like no other. That was Joe Cross, His website www.jointhereboot.com
Now for those who follow, have followed Joe Cross knows hes pretty easy on the eye and an Aussie. Yes, I am happily married...my hubby referrs to Joe as my veggie boyfreind. But I watched the entire documentary, it was fabulous!! There!! There was my ah...ha...moment! Eureka! I was searching for! Today (1 year ago was the day) that begin my journey of weight loss. Juciing your veggies and fruits, getting right down to the micro & macro nutrients.
At the same time of discovering the F.S.D. Documentary; later that evening I decided to watch Extreme Weight Loss on ABC. I thought to myself, wow, what an inspiration these people are...The first episode I saw was the young man with one arm, learning to ride a bicycle. I used the show as my inspiration to continue each week with my weigh ins, excercise etc. I didnt miss a show, and if I was out of town I DVR'd it or I would watch the show from "On Demand. Today, I am 30 lbs lighter, caffine, soda, sugar and salt free..But, I have a long way to go to loose the addiional 65 lbs...There I said, I own it! I have so much energy, more than I can imagine.
I am 53 years young, although feel like I am still 28 & sassy..and 4'11..My hubby referrs to me as his hobbit, in a loving way of course. afterall he's 6'0 tall. No I dont have to shave my feet...ha! I have 3 grown children, all are married to wonderful people. 3 Grandchildren, 2 girls and a little man. 2 of my sons (son & son-in-law) are Soliders, serving the ARMY. Both served in IRAQ & Afghanistan.
Love your veggies, love your fruits, love yourself and the world will take care of itself.