Well today I begin day 1 of week 2. So far, so great! Did I mention today Ive lost 6 pounds!! Yippie Skippie!!
Each day, individuals post about how much exercise they are doing and Im like holy crap thats alot of movement for one person! I even day dream about going through the motions of what that must have felt like, the pain, the euphoria, the sweat, exhaustion!
I look at all the videos I have purchased over time and go UGH!! OMG! Im a hoarder!! Looking for that ah..haaa...moment once again. Excerising while its not fun is the nessessity of life. Humans are not meant to stay at rest, we are meant to move! As long as we are moving, our bodies are healing from the inside out! Better known as juice in the joints!!
In the past, I have watched some of the videos sitting on the sofa, thinking today will be the day. I move the furnitue out the way; I have my excerise clothes, my shoes, my water, my towel, my floor mat...I look good....then I just sit there! week after week, month after month....
So!!! today week 2, day 1 is the day! T-25 I choose you!! TODAY IS THE DAY!!!!
Juice in the joints!! Have a fab day everyone!!