Try, try again

Jillian J.

02/03/2015 12:30PM
What a great post! Courage and honesty... you are off to an amazing start. For me, when I struggle with a fear of a future unknown, I write down all the very worst case scenarios. Like very worst. I try to think about how I would handle each of those. Then realistically what are the chances of that happening. And finally what is the most likely outcome. Once I can put words to it, wrap my brain around it, and look at it objectively, it falls into perspective for me. Otherwise it's just floating anxiety that I can't pin down. For example worst case of losing weight,1. Not being known as the girl who adores all things cake (I take weird pride in this)2. Losing friends3. Having heavy women judge and exclude me4. Giving up meaningful events that are food related5. People not noticing I've lost weight6. People noticing too much that I've lost weight7. Give a certain family member the satisfaction of "finally taking their advice" Ughect. Works in lots of areas of life. Hope it helps

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