

This week has been a little bleak, I feel like I'm having the same dinner every night (hello, cooking on a budget) and didn't get to plan any exciting meals since I was away this weekend.  That's ok though, doing a big grocery shop today to make something more interesting.  I'm also feeling the cravings start to build - it's bitterly cold out and I'm working a lot, all I want to do is reward myself with a treat! I'm going to try to get some healthy treats to enjoy so it's not just protein and vegetables and a little fruit, nonstop.  I got almond butter, which is a big deal for me - I absolutely love it and have no willpower with it, I always end up eating a lot.  So this is going to be my first jar where I only have one serving per day, max.  It sounds ridiculous but this is huge for me.  I figure it's a good treat because I love it, but also healthy and low sugar.  I've been feeling much more disciplined with this Diet Bet, beyond just wanting to lose weight I'm also always motivated if I have a checklist or specific goal I need to achieve, the structure is good for me.  I think just cooking some more interesting meals will help with the food boredom, too - exciting food to come!


Tuesday 2/24/15

Sleep 7

Walk 5.7

Lemon water, 2 oolong teas, 4 green teas

Green juice

1 tbsp almond butter

Tuna salad (tuna, salsa, peppers, avocado) and leftover broccoli and spiralized parsnips


Half a grapefruit

Chicken sausage, swiss chard, onions, garlic

Half an apple