"Getting" The DietBet Concept


03/01/2015 1:11PM
I'm not in your bet, so I haven't read those comments, but I disagree with "the ones who shared that DietBet doesn't work for them...it's not DietBet that's not working." In a way, for these people -- like the women who stopped going to Curves under the stress of the friendly 10#/$10/10 weeks wager -- DietBet isn't working. DietBet puts our weight loss on a timer and necessarily emphasizes the scale above all. This worked great for me, because I wanted to get ahead of those deadlines. Maybe the women who felt DB didn't work for them didn't know exactly what to do to drop 4% in 4 weeks. Or maybe the stress of a deadline pushed them to their coping mechanism (food) which set them farther back. DietBet isn't going to be a magic bullet for everyone, and I respect the people who take losing one game not as a sign they're destined to be overweight but as proof one specific tool isn't for them.

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