I have always thought of my weight-loss journey as "I'll lose just enough to feel better and have more energy." That's better than nothing at all, right!?!
I've recently realized that this horrible way of thinking is due to my lack of ability to have confidence in what I CAN accomplish! I would say to my husband, "I'll lose some weight, but I'll never be skinny again." Welp. I'm here to tell myself that old way of thinking is out the window FOR GOOD. I CAN be skinny and I'll work my butt off like I know all the little changes I'm doing for my health now will surely, oneday soon, show outwardly. I'm doing this for my kids; heck, I'm doing this for me! Never shall I ever be defeated by the thought of me "never" becoming the healthy person I was created to be and might I add, once was! #LetsGo #slimdownsaturdays #Mommyof4