
Yesterday was a good day. I had oatmeal for breakfast and I had another warm lunch of salmon, cauliflower, and sweet potato. It's so simple and filling! Not to mention nutritious. Although yesterday was good it was a bit difficult as well. When I weighed myself in that morning I was 81.8kg. Now this is no surprise considering that I drank alcohol and wasn't as strict with my diet as I could've been. But even knowing this I was dissapointed. That affected met the whole morning.

So I had to give myself a pep talk yesterday. I had to remind myself of why I was doing this in the first place. That I am not denying myself anything but that I am choosing to live a healthier life. That means saying no to sweets and alcohol once in a while. I should'nt be feeling deprived because I am CHOOSING to do this. No one is forcing me to.

After giving myself this pep talk I felt much happier. (The small piece of chocolate might have helped with thatas well, lol) I got home and prepared for my run. Yesterday's run was ROUGH. Like the first 4km my left knee was not cooperating with me but it turned from pain to mild discomfort after so that was good. I think I'll need by some support for my knee. (I have one for my right knee and it really helps) So thankfully my run went from shit to okay. ALso I will never ever let myself sleep less than 7 hours if I can help it. It felt AWFUL.

After a friend invited me to a Korean restaurant to celebrate her getting a job in Korea. I didn't think twice about it. I had half a bowl of bibimbap and a bowl of tofu chige. It was soooooo good.

This morning I woke up and I was 82.8kg and at 39% body fat. When I first started this I was at 47% so that is saying something and Korean food has a TON of salt, especially the kimchee and the chige.

To win my dietbet I need to be 80kg. Am I worried? To be honest with you not really. I am at peace. I know I am gaining muscle, I know that water rentention from too much salt is real, I know that my time of the month is coming soon but most of all, I know that no matter what that scale says it doesn't fully reflect the effort that I am putting in to become healthier.

If I win this dietbet, great. If I don't win it I am okay with that. This is NOT me giving up. I will give it my absolute all. But I will not let losing get me down.



  • Breakfast: Walnut, Cranberry Oatmeal, Cafe au lait
  • Lunch: Salmon, Cauliflower, Sweet Potato
  • Dinner: Bibimbap, Tofu Chige, Egg Drop Soup, Kimchi, Seaweed Salad
  • Snacks: Protein Shake, Apple, 2 Senbei, 145 cal worth of chocolate

Sleep: 7.5 Hours

Water: 2 Liters

Exercise: 10.3km (7:00/km)