As I was eating cookie dough for breakfast, I realized I have a problem.  I don't think it's necessary for me to explain what the issue is here.

I'm not fat...yet.  But if things don't change, it's coming.  I'm 5`3, 160-165 lbs.  Not fat-fat, but overweight.  I can't imagine where I would be if I didn't go to the gym 1-2 hours every day.

My whole childhood I thought being an adult meant being fat. My mom was obese, my aunts were obese, my friends' parents were obese.  Obese went with the territory of being an adult and mother. I accepted I would be like that too.

It wasn't until I was about 12 that I met a friend who did not have an obese mother and I saw what was possible. They ate healthy meals, exercised as a family, and were concerned about their health if a normal, non-obsessive way.

Now I'm 25 and not much has changed since my childhood. I still eat all the junk I want, whenever I want - including cookie dough for breakfast. The summer before my senior year of high school I lost weight and was down to 135 - the perfect weight for me.  At the end of college I was at my heaviest - 175.  Now I'm 160-165 depending on the day, but not healthy. Something has to change so my whole life I don't wonder what it be like if I was living to my potential.  Something has to change so I don't get diabetes from all the sugar I eat and a stroke from my high cholesterol.

Something has to change.  And soon.  This sugar addiction needs to hit the road.