I expected to be on point the entire time I was in Florida. I expected to be diligent, and mindful, and obsessed with a scale and only focused on weight loss. My realities do not always match my expecations. I failed (survived?) here and there and I drank and I ate things that were not always green, but I was happy. I am still happy and have no regrets.
I am not vocalizing my "failures" to encourage my peers to "fall off the wagon," but to let you know that it is okay to leave the main road as long as you come back from your detour. Return with motivation and not guilt because we are human and meant to travel different paths that ultimately will lead us to our goal.
With that being said, this is the summation of my vacation experience, ten beautiful days of it. Ten of the greatest days of my life, twenty-hour car ride and all.
We started our trip with healthy snacks abound and I was generally good with my eating habits from Wednesday until Tuesday. I had a glass of wine here and there and indulged, but tracked every calorie (wihout exceeding my alottment in those first few days) and I also made sure to excercise. As promised to myself, I did my morning yoga, walked around the downtown area in the beautiful weather, and spent my Monday at an intensive ziplining course. I spent time with my family, in the sun, and with a few drinks out on the dock. It was bliss.
I also found return motivation early on in the trip. My boyfriend (now fiance) and I got engaged! So, it will be time to wedding dress shop soon, a task that I know is going to be daunting without the assistance of this Diet Bet.
We celebrated and we celebrated bigger than I had anticipated. We went to a Brazilian steakhouse, enjoyed a few sweets in Disney, and we shared a Butterbeer. Yes, the dreaded Butterbeer. I had two swigs and realized that my teeth and my body could not survive that sugar saturation. But, the two sips were a delight. Again, we did induldge in the occasional beer or wine, but we walked. To say we walked is probably an understatement. We journeyed. Over the course of three days in Orlando, we walked around 35-36 miles. We swam laps. We trekked across what felt like the universe. I thought my legs were going to remove themselves from my body.
I put my phone away for the majority of the trip, save to document with pictures. This meant that I ignored Spark People from Wednesday through Saturday. I was so preoccupied with movement, taking in the sights, and wand shopping (yes, this is a thing) that I was focused on the temporary instead of the long term.
On Saturday, we began the horrendous drive home. The car ride TO Florida is always wonderful because of the anticipation and late-night lack of traffic. The way home tends to be filled with dread, traffic, and shoving in the "last" meals. I sat my bloated butt in that car and switched back to reality.
After a few days of "satisfaction", I thought the transition would be difficult. I was .3 pounds from round two goal, and I have yet to face the scale. I know this time around I have the power to turn the switch the other way. I have tracked every calorie since returning and my clothing is thanking me once again. On the other hand, I am starting to get sick and I think my body is rebelling due to the torture I put it through.
I may or may not make this goal, but I won't let my indescretions stop me. This change of lifestyle has allowed me to let the reins go, but not let them go forever.
So, I leave you with this: try not to wander often, but if you do, make sure you come back home. Make sure you have control. And make sure you do not feel guilt over the things you cannot change and the banana cream pie you cannot un-eat :)