We all make mistakes. We all have diet "blips." And we certainly all eat more sometimes than we want to. Those of you who have played in my games know I always say not to waste time and energy on feeling guilty or having regrets - just move forward. But even more than that, stop and reflect on what you may have learned from your "mistake." For example, if you overdid it one night and ate a bunch of cake and you felt sick and awful - instead of beating yourself up (which will only make you feel worse), think about what you might have learned and how to use that to your advantage in the future. For example, I know (from a lot of experience doing it!) if I eat a ton of cake, I will feel sick and hungover the next day, my morning workout will suffer and it won't be worth it. SO if I am tempted by cake, I stop and remember this and ask myself "how will I feel tomorrow morning if I eat this cake?" and almost everytime, I will then choose not to eat the cake. There are so many more examples I can come up with!
In my next game, GET RESULTS 8 - Lose Weight with Marcie! we are going to focus on "Motivating Strategies." I am going to share a lot of lessons learned and tips from my own weight loss journey and encourage others to do the same. There is so much to be learned from all of the challenges we have all faced along the way! And after a summer of vacations and BBQs and ICE CREAM, we could all use a little extra motivation!
Hope to see you there! You can find the game at https://www.dietbet.com/games/86882/activity