I am STILL battling this unrelenting trigger point issue in my arm. 8 weeks now. I have had luck with acupuncture in the past and I know it works well for pain if nothing else so why the heck not? I got a referral from a dear friend that is on the integrative med bandwagon I am on. Off I went.
After the usual first time questions, my health is good blah blah, I sleep great, no stress etc NOW PUT THOSE NEEDLES ALL OVER ME AND MAKE THE HURTIN STOP!
Not only did I get stuck with over 30 needles, some of them got hooked up to high frequency then she cupped the area with 7 cups. It looks like I got in a hickie contest with a giant octopus. I was hoping she would do that to me to help pull the toxins out of the muscle knot and let it release. I really wanted dry needling but that didn't happen.
After all that she scraped my painful areas with some sort of hard plastic flat thing (gua sha) and that helped some too.
I will say I do feel some of the pain is released. I have kept it fairly immobile after the appointment. I did my workout prior as I knew I would have to lay low after and let my body calm down after all that activity. The arm and hand numbness that keeps showing up all day and night has considerably died down and ths sharpness of the trigger point is diminished considerably as well.
Usally I cook 95% of what I eat (yes I am constantly doing dishes) but I had to resist picking up the chef knife today and eat ready made food and some of my healthy leftovers (Ok maybe a bowl of shredded wheat for dinner). Not happy about that but I made my goal thank goodness so I can be a tad less strict now. Feeling 100% well is #1 priority. I want my quality of life back.
Dry January is almost over. Maybe tequila on Monday. HA