This is the first DietBet I have ever participated in. I've considered doing them before but always lost my nerve when it was time to pay up! That would mean I actually HAD to participate and make an effort.

 "What if I don't lose what I'm supposed to?"

 "What if everyone loses more than me?"

 "What if I can't eat right?"

 "What if...."

Sure pounds realistically weighed me down at the moment. But it was my 'what if's that started to weigh more than the pounds. The self-doubt was becoming too heavy to carry, just like my weight.

I decided it was time to stop making excuses for why I couldn't participate. Some friends and I were already committing to trying a healthier eating plan (we agreed to only eat fruits, nuts and veggies, cut ALL processed sugars, and have minimal sodium intake for at least a week), so I figured why not throw this DietBet thing in the mix.

When I saw that I needed to lose just over 13 lbs. over the course of this game I didn't let that deter me. I went to the grocery store and got everything I would need for the week and prepped meals ahead of time. I got busy looking up recipes online and had my menu all planned out!

I rocked Monday and Tuesday! Shake in the morning, packed my lunch and snacks, came home and had my preplanned/precooked meal for dinner and additional allotted snacks. Wednesday started off great! Shake in the morning, packed my lunch and snacks and was ready to roll.

I had a rough day at work, and forgot to pack my dinner... I was going to a movie with friends that night and had to go straight from work to make it on time. I didn't have time to stop for anything. By the end of the movie I was ravenously hungry. My friends had already eaten prior to the movie so we didn't stop afterwards. I opted to go hang out for a little bit before heading home, and I should've at least asked for some carrots or something to gnaw on while I was there!

After an hour of trying to be social and NOT think about food I decided to hit the road and make the 45 minute drive home. I was thinking about what I could eat when I get home because I hadn't yet cooked the rest of my dinners for the week. Uh oh.

I told myself that I could just get French fries since potatoes weren't necessarily off limits during our fruit/veggie/nut commitment. Knowing full well I shouldn't tempt myself by heading to a drive thru, I went anyway. The golden arches looked glorious and the seemed to glow brighter than ever!! Leading me straight to them! It was late... I was alone... hey... it was just fries.

Before I knew it, I was hidden in the dark corner of a parking lot eating a quarter pounder with cheese meal. And yes, I went ALL out! With a LARGE fry and a LARGE coke. Eating in the dark I felt like no one could see me. Until I looked in the mirror.

I pang of guilt hit me, but you can bet I finished every last morsel of food. Go hard or go home right? No. The disappointment in myself started to consume me like I consumed the large 'value' meal I just ate. I kicked myself the entire way home and I planned to hide this relapse from my friends.

But I decided to fess up. And instead of the finger shaking and shaming I thought I deserved... I got kindness and encouragement. "It's okay Drea. It was ONE meal, it's a new day, you got this!"

Getting my second wind I had no more falls that week. I stuck to every planned snack and meal and drank plenty of water. I ended up losing 5.6 lbs. for the week and I couldn't be happier.

I didn't let my guilt cripple me and stop me from pushing forward. I also relied on my accountability to give me the strength to keep going. Have integrity guys! It's okay to admit when you haven't made the best choice. And don't give up or just say, "Oh well, I already ate ONE bad thing, I might as well keep it going!"

No. You can do this. WE can do this. Be encouraged. You can get back up after you fall.