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11/30/2014 4:23PM
Dear dietbet friend- You have been selected because you have inspired/ encouraged/ liked a post/ or in some way helped me and I thank you for that! Now I hope we can help each other-- I am starting a dietbet called Forget the Fudge ( http://diet.bt/in8Zw ), and people are needed!! My friends outside dietbet are, for a multitude of reasons/excuses, not joining, so I am appealing to you, my DB ppl who have helped me get down about 60#. I still have about 15# to go. Can you help and finish off 2014 better than you started?


03/11/2014 11:18AM
Hey, you CrazyChick!!!! You TOTALLY MADE IT!!!!!!!! Great job!!!!!!!!!!


02/12/2014 9:21AM
Congrats on your 14.2 lb. weight loss! You must be very excited! Keep up the great work. Thanks for joining "It's No Sin 2 Be Thin - Feb." It's going to be another great game. We always attract really motivated, perky people. Best of luck with your weight loss journey!

ParoGirl likes this message.


02/12/2014 6:51AM
I like your screen name! Let's WIN!!

Gailsy likes this message.

Jennifer R.

01/30/2014 8:58PM
Looks good!

Gailsy likes this message.

Jodi C.

01/21/2014 5:01PM
Looks like you joined another group. Good luck, I'm at a standstill.