Dani C

I need to be healthier and stronger!

Quick Facts

Favorite Health Food: Hummus and veggies

Favorite Sinful Food: Does whiskey or wine count as food?

My Preferred Method of Exercise: Quick and effective like JMs dvds.

My Approach to Weight Loss: Eating more organic and non gmo.

My Weight Loss Program: I don't follow a program

My Diet Plan: I don't follow a plan

Fitness/Exercise Apps: MyFitnessPal

Fitness Devices: FitBit

DietBet Winnings: $52.93

Recent Photos

Friends (4)

TIME PERIOD: All 1-Year 60-Days 30-Days
GOAL WEIGHTSat 06 DecWed 13 JulSun 18 FebThu 26 SepMon 03 MayFri 09 DecTue 16 Jul
Unofficial Weigh-InVerified Weigh-InDietBet Runner-UpDietBet WinnerRound WinnerRound Runner-Up
-1.7% Since last weigh-in
0% 1-Month Change
-0.4% Lifetime Change

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Sarah H.

05/21/2014 10:19AM
Hey Lady. One week left! Positivity and you go it!

Stephanie C.

05/13/2014 5:31AM
Hi Dani
Just checking in. We've got this. Time to ramp it up over the next two weeks and cross the finish line. You're worth it!

Dani C

Yikes I guess so! I haven't been as diligent as I was during the first bet... I did get a great workout in yesterday morning and I am sooooo sore... I guess that means I haven't been doing enough lately. i weighed in this morning 3 lbs over the starting weight of my FIRST dietbet. It's not looking good for me. :(
Hope you are doing well!Keep working hard!

Stephanie C.

You've proven you can do it. There is lots of time to make a dent in your goal. You're aiming for 150 - bit by bit. Have a great day.

Sarah H.

05/07/2014 8:49AM
1 week in. How are you doing? Color run looked awesome!

Dani C

Not been I doing so well. I haven't worked out since monday and I can't this morning either. :( I'm going to try to get off early today and make something happen. Been feeling sluggish but work has just been soooooo busy. No excuse! I need to get moving!
The color run was fun! My friend stood me up so I did it alone, but I did it! Ran some, walked some and saw about 20 wild turkeys! :)
How are you doing?

Sarah H.

Im ok. I have been sick this week so I have not worked out. Just trying to get through the sickness so I can get back to normal life lol.

Sarah H.

04/30/2014 8:58PM
OMG that is awesome! How much did you make?

Yes we got this one! Im more focused! Although I was still pleased with the last one...lost 7lbs.

In excited you came along for this one!!!! Buddy!

Dani C likes this message.

Dani C

Not sure yet. Don't even care because I made weight!!! I'm glad we are doing this again!

Sarah H.

04/24/2014 8:20AM
OK 5 days is not so bad. You got this! Plus side I bet the weather is great where you live!!! :)
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Sarah H.

I def calorie count lol.

Are you referring to the Dandelion, cranberry and lemon detox water?

Dani C


Sarah H.

04/21/2014 12:05PM
OK. 1 week....runnnnnn! :)

Dani C

About to be tested... ordered dominos for the kids today who are in class. Can I resist? I may have to leave... But I worked out hard this morning and I'm going again this afternoon.

Sarah H.

You can resist!

Sarah H.

04/14/2014 7:57AM
3 lbs! That is awesome!!!! Go you!
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Dani C

I know you will! You work too hard not to! Have a good Monday!

Sarah H.

Thank you! It is warm and sunny here which is awesome!

Sarah H.

04/11/2014 8:44AM
Ok! Time to get down to business.... weeeeekend!
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Dani C

Youre right! I weighed in this morning which I think I need to stop doing.... I was 3 lbs over my start weight... it flucuates way too much. So I'm not weighing in again until Monday. I'm just gonna work hard this weekend.
So... I'm thinking Fitbit since my heart rate monitor is flaking out on me. You have the wrist band right? I was looking at the one too. Which do you like better?

Sarah H.

Weight fluctuates so much! You have to look at the long range. If you add muscle it makes you weigh more then your weight will just drop.

I like my fitbit flex. I have heard good things about the fitbit one as well.

I like my fitbit becasue I wear it practically 24/7 and do not have to remember to put it on. It is pricey so that is tough.

Sarah H.

04/09/2014 11:16AM
Mid week! How is your week going?
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Sarah H.

Fitbit is old. Lol. Just got new cases. :)

I have been trying to ramp up my workout. But good for you rocking it!

Dani C

Been trying. Go us!!!

Sarah H.

04/06/2014 10:22PM
One week down! Get it!

Dani C

Yeah! I didn't do too well the last couple days but I lost my two lbs for the week!

Sarah H.

All that matters is the long run!
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