
I want to be proud of me again. I escaped an abusive marriage and learned to take care of myself and my disability. But I would like to be proud of my appearance as well as my accomplishments!

Quick Facts

Favorite Health Food: Spinach is fantastic in everything!

Favorite Sinful Food: protein pudding at the moment.

My Preferred Method of Exercise: elliptical, weight lifting

My Approach to Weight Loss: eat better, move as much as possible

My Weight Loss Program: I don't follow a program

My Diet Plan: Whole food and juice

DietBet Winnings: $557.78

Recent Photos

Friends (21)

TIME PERIOD: All 1-Year 60-Days 30-Days
GOAL WEIGHTSun 04 MayThu 14 JanMon 25 SepFri 07 JunTue 16 FebSat 29 OctWed 10 Jul
Unofficial Weigh-InVerified Weigh-InDietBet Runner-UpDietBet WinnerRound WinnerRound Runner-Up
-4.5% Since last weigh-in
0% 1-Month Change
+6% Lifetime Change

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Cheryl B.

07/25/2014 8:32PM
Ok team, sigh... It's time to start thinking if we want this reunion to continue or are you all ready for a break. Let me know your thoughts & if you have a host in mind. Thanks for your input ;-)

Colleen M.

07/07/2014 4:32AM
Wishing you a fabulous month Elizabeth! What's your plan going to be to win this bet? So glad you decided to join the beta friends! Hope you like the group as much as I do!!!

Elliann likes this message.

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Colleen M.

Great plan...def a healthy way to go about losing weight! Sorry to hear about your migraines- they can be so debilitating. I feel like I already know you...I've always followed Michael's groups lol. We might've been in one together but I can't remember. I hope you feel comfortable posting often!


Probably! Michael and I did a bet or two together before he started running his own.

Gail P.

11/23/2013 12:52PM
Whooo-hoo, Elizabeth!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are DOING this, baby! You got me into this one, and I am SOOOO happy you did! I went out with a new guy today, and he LIKED what he saw walking along the (cold) beachwalk on Long Island Sound. I would not have felt so confident two months ago!

Elliann likes this message.


Ahhhhhh! Yay! I am sooo happy for you, that is fantastic! We are finding our REAL skin and who we are will finally show to everyone now that we are becoming comfortable and happy!!

Amy B.

11/22/2013 2:19PM
Go Elizabeth, Go! You can do it!

Elliann likes this message.


Thanks Amy! How are you doing? I really love have your support, it makes me smile every time I see a comment!

Amy B.

We are well here. It has all of a sudden gotten cold and crisp, making outdoor activities less pleasant. Everything changes, you know, and always an adjustment with that. I don't know about you and your family, but the holidays are pretty stressful for me and mine. I used to love them,, but now I don't always feel so happy this time of year. The weather changing, decreasing exercising outdoors since it is so chilly, is so not helpful. I have to find an indoor stressbuster, but I can do it! And I just know you can too. :) hang in there!

Gail P.

11/17/2013 4:24AM
Hi Elizabeth! First time typing on my computer in my new house. Internet installed yesterday, but I had to run right out to a wedding so never got to see if it worked. So sorry I haven't communicated, but I'm thinking of you and how things are going. You, a perfect stranger, have helped motivate me to do this thing and meet my goals for myself. so thank you and keep on going!

Elliann likes this message.


Yay for internet! I am so glad you are getting settled. I am happy I have helped to keep you motivated. Some of my favorite people I have never met, I may never meet but I talk to more than the people in the same town as me. The internet is a strange place!

Amy B.

11/10/2013 3:42PM
Hi Elizabeth! Haven't seen you around lately, and I've been thinking about you. Hope you're hanging in there. :) keep up the good work you have been doing the last 6months!

Elliann likes this message.


Thanks for thinking of me Amy! <3 I was just trying to survive my cousins funeral and family staying with me. Hard all around.

Amy B.

Absolutely it is. I know all about times like that. I just wanted you to know I am glad you survived. Welcome back. :)

Gail P.

11/07/2013 2:09AM
Wow...just looking at those cheekbones and that progress on your graph. You are doing it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am still in nutso mode. First major move of my Big Move is Saturday. Friends and son helping with big U-Haul move. Then next Friday the big movers come. Meanwhile, my grades aren't done and are due tomorrow! Auuuugh! (This, too, shall pass.)

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Gail P.

If I had a funeral and people staying with me, I would eat, too. There's just so much Superwoman one can be without a meltdown!
Grades are mostly done, but I have three essays I have to finish right now, so it's freakin' 3am and I will get them finished! Aaaugh. The U-Haul move is tomorrow with friends and the big movers' one is next Friday. Is it Christmas yet?! Thnx for asking. I haven't been on the treadmill or in the pool for a week. :( Last night I stopped at an Italian rest. for soup and bought pasta fazole (sp?). That was great until I saw the big hunk of Italian bread in the bag, too. It was SO good dunked. Now I'm afraid of the scale this morning.


My Grandpa just made this incredible homemade fresh tomato soup with cheese sandwiches... The tomatoes were legal for my diet. The bread, cheese, cream and crackers not so much. But he brought everything with him! I am not going to say I am sorry Grandpa, I know you are 85 and this is your new culinary invention but I wont eat it... Maybe if you are still kicking next time I see you I'll try it.
Live. Be healthy, yes but we HAVE to LIVE!


11/01/2013 7:46PM
I am working on a FB page for all of us DIetbet people to stick together through losing weight and after. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Dietbet-of-a-Sexy-Beast/243660529122626

Jill F.

10/30/2013 7:54PM
Thank you for your encouragement and tips. I'm sure you will continue doing great. I hope you don't mind me adding you as a friend.

Elliann likes this message.


No that is fine!! I love helping people anyway I can... If you have a facebook account I'm just starting a group to help each other even more there. What kind of diet are you trying to keep to? Sometimes the problem with diets is that you havent found one that works for your body yet... https://www.facebook.com/pages/Dietbet-of-a-Sexy-Beast/243660529122626

Jill F.

You are so sweet. I'll definitely join the group on Facebook. I'm trying to keep low carb. Possibly need more tips and I probably will find the group helpful. Thanks again!


10/30/2013 7:18PM
Wow Elizabeth! Your success is amazing from August! Two winnings! WOW!

Elliann likes this message.


Thank you so much! I am in my third set now and am doing two at once... I didn't want to get complacent so I did two! I hope I didn't bite off more than I can chew. I just started a FB page to work with other dietbet people I am hoping that will keep me going as well!


You can friend me. Carmen Sicherman
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