Yoga Group! Yogalosophy Challenge

98 members $22,184.12 won 358.7 lbs

GeminiWitch83 Amanda

01/28/2015 5:19AM
I have had a fascination with Yoga for a few years. However, I was the type of person who did it a few times and then didn't get the mat or DVD's back out for months. Then I would do it again a few times, but months would pass before I did it again. In December for my DietBets I started doing it about once a week. Then suddenly, I fell in love with it, and I do it almost every night before I get ready for bed. I'm still a beginner level and wobble a lot and get dizzy sometimes moving through poses too quickly. I need better control and focus on my breath I think instead of trying to keep up with the videos. However, I get better and more flexible and more strength every time I follow along with a Yoga video. I have a subscription to Gaiam TV - My Yoga Online. I have been following the 12 Days of Gratitude. Next, i am going to do the 21 Days of Commit to You. I have the FitStar Yoga App too that I use on occasion.

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GeminiWitch83 Amanda

I am planning on it! I am really looking forward to it!!! I even found you on Gaiaim TV! I am taking time off from Yoga this week due to my time of the month, but once I get back to it I will definrelty try one of them between now and the March 25th game. I am working on a 21 Day Guide on there right now, but I like to try some different videos in between before starting a new guide. I am probably going to be at a weight that's usually hard for me to lose under by then if I meet my goals this month. However, I am to the point that I like the tips and motivations and excitement for exercise that I get from Dietbets that I am just really excited to participate!


sounds good :)