Yoga Group! Yogalosophy Challenge

98 members $22,184.12 won 358.7 lbs


10/23/2017 11:05AM
Already in a DietBet? Did you know you could be in up to 3 kickstarters?? So join ours its SCRAMBLED LEGS & ACHIN'
Click below if you are already in a challenge, and it ends around the same time, join for more prizes and cash return!!! I HAVE PRIZES GALORE!!! JOIN US TODAY!!!


03/09/2015 5:56PM
Hey everybody is now open! Come on over and join the fun. We are building the pot and getting ramped up for the game!

GeminiWitch83 Amanda

03/01/2015 10:52PM
I was reading the beginning of your book in the Yogalosophy App this weekend. I was considering starting this program on March 1st with the beginning of the new month. However, I am doing 5 exercise challenges this month and am not sure I want to add anything else in right now. I am planning to join your Dietbet on March 25 as I think we discussed here in this group in a previous message. I think I have decided to then start the Y28 Program on April 1st instead. I have taken a couple of weeks away from Yoga recently due to some slight illness. I have been doing other exercises, but haven't made the time for Yoga lately. I would like to finish the 21 Day Commit To You Guide I previously started with Gaiam TV - My Yoga Online before starting the Y28 Program from your app/book.
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sounds like you are creating some real accountability for yourself! It is the same main routine. In the 28 day program there is also a pose of the day, cardio activity of the day, optional meal plans, playlists, journaling, etc!

GeminiWitch83 Amanda

Thank you! I did read up until Day 1 of the Y28 plan in the book. I know there are other things to focus on each day besides the main routine, but I was hoping to find the main routine in the video form to practice it a few times before I try the program. I am trying to commit myself to as many things as possible to keep me accountable every day, but not too many that it overwhelms me and I completely stop everything. Right now my walking and my monthly challenge exercise sheets are things that I focus on every day. I try to do exercise videos or find other forms of exercise a few days a week too. I got a little ill last month and took a week off from my challenge exercises too, but still kept to meeting my step goals. It helps to have enough to keep me going if even a little when I feel the worst, and lots more possibilities for doing even better when I feel better.

ellen m.

02/27/2015 4:25PM
Tomorrow, after week of manky bingeing, I am going for a quickswim then to hot dynamic yoga (not bikram!) Looking forward to getting into a good routine again............ currently out of shape and out of balance, spiritually and mentally.... :(

GeminiWitch83 Amanda likes this comment.


try to focus on the positive! sounds like you just took a breather.

GeminiWitch83 Amanda

01/28/2015 5:19AM
I have had a fascination with Yoga for a few years. However, I was the type of person who did it a few times and then didn't get the mat or DVD's back out for months. Then I would do it again a few times, but months would pass before I did it again. In December for my DietBets I started doing it about once a week. Then suddenly, I fell in love with it, and I do it almost every night before I get ready for bed. I'm still a beginner level and wobble a lot and get dizzy sometimes moving through poses too quickly. I need better control and focus on my breath I think instead of trying to keep up with the videos. However, I get better and more flexible and more strength every time I follow along with a Yoga video. I have a subscription to Gaiam TV - My Yoga Online. I have been following the 12 Days of Gratitude. Next, i am going to do the 21 Days of Commit to You. I have the FitStar Yoga App too that I use on occasion.

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GeminiWitch83 Amanda

I am planning on it! I am really looking forward to it!!! I even found you on Gaiaim TV! I am taking time off from Yoga this week due to my time of the month, but once I get back to it I will definrelty try one of them between now and the March 25th game. I am working on a 21 Day Guide on there right now, but I like to try some different videos in between before starting a new guide. I am probably going to be at a weight that's usually hard for me to lose under by then if I meet my goals this month. However, I am to the point that I like the tips and motivations and excitement for exercise that I get from Dietbets that I am just really excited to participate!


sounds good :)

Mikki K.

01/05/2015 4:55PM
Hi all! I'm looking forward to increasing my daily yoga from just a little bit, to something more structured.

Mandy and Shawn M like this comment.

Shawn M or Yoga with Adrienne on YouTube are good sources and free.

GeminiWitch83 Amanda

I have subscribed for $9.95 a month to Gaiam TV My Yoga Online. It is the best investment I have ever made. They have tons of videos available on there. They also have things if you click on Guides near the top where they have different groupings of videos to work on either one a day or however you want, but they all are grouped together based on a specific theme. For instance, I just completed the 12 Days of Gratitude guide. It really renewed my love for Yoga. Also, I have the FitStar Yoga App on my phone which has different practices you can do. I did the first couple for free on there and liked it, so I signed up for the annual fee for it, but I think you can continue it for free and get 2 videos a week possibly.

Shawn M

12/24/2014 8:39AM
I do Yoga most mornings. It helps me wake up and get flexible to face the day.

GeminiWitch83 Amanda, Tanya A. and Mikki K. like this comment.


excellent. it's so good not only for the external, but for the internal organs...and nervous system...and mind.