the powell clan!

160 members $35,144.11 won 1,338.1 lbs

Nicole S.

07/24/2016 7:41PM
Hello Everyone! I'm new to the Powell Clan and Dietbet. A friend of mine who also signed up for the end of summer challenge with chris and heidi powell was the person who suggested participating in this challenge. I'm super excited and feel that this is just the motivation I need. Looking forward to getting to know other players.

MJ H. likes this comment.


Hi Nicole, I'm new to the group too. Goodluck!

Nicole S.

Hi MJH - Good luck to you as well. I just created a group called the EndOfSummer Slim Down w/ Heidi & Chris Powell. Basically, it's a daily chat group for people who are playing in the challenge. Feel free to join us. The more the merrier as it's a good way to motivate and support each other.