Brides to Be!

186 members $27,598.14 won 521.8 lbs


05/17/2018 2:31PM
Hello. New to DietBet. Getting married Sept 2019 and want to lose 65 lbs by this time next year in order to feellike a beautiful bride, but I need motivation.
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Thanks for the advice. Being "beautiful" isn't my only motivation, but I said I want to feel like I am. At this weight, I don't feel like it. I've never had much confidence. My fiancé has given me quite a bit in that department, but its always been lacking. It's something I need to work on and I am. My health is also a big issue. I went to the doctor in December and I went from 2 meds a day to 6. I want to get healthier so I can get off most (if not all) of the medications she put me on. So it's not all about the superficial for me. I just know I feel better inside and out when I'm at a lower weight and I'm hoping the wedding is motivation to get the weight off and keep it off.


I'm sorry- I assumed. All the posts and forums I visited during my wedding planning seemed to be focused and obsessed with the look of the one day- the makeup the hair the teeth, the weight- I got very depressed and sad for all the brides who were obsessed with becoming someone new on their big day because they were sure that what they were at the time of being proposed to, wasn't good enough. I tend to get over-zealous trying to convince brides that their day isn't ruined because one photo showed a bit of skin overlap- you know? Or that glasses are fine, or their hair is beautiful. My best friend even is stuck in a place where she feels less of worth so I white knight all over without asking- sorry! you'll do great! You can do it!