Healthy Eating Tips

2,241 members $613,091.09 won 11,077.7 lbs

Leontine M.

10/07/2019 6:27PM
  • Hey guys! Hoolā! Ciau !
    I have struggled with extra fat for such a long time. I have personal trainer, and very supportive friends, yet no matter how much of abs i do, they get more stronger, but under the fat. I got so frustrated, i get some results on my chests, shoulder, back, but belly was stuck. My trainer Paul introduced me to this Keto diet planning and tips. Honestly I LOVE IT ! Only thing that did a difference for me, but i guess, the results differs on person itself. I bought this one, it is realtively cheap and with AmazinG info to apply. shared it with my family, not everyone is on healthy page. Jeaaay. I soo much like that here at least all the info is combined and so well given !

    I love this community and support guys, if anyone want to consider this as an option, feel free to check it out -

    Please guys, keep the thumbs up for my GOALS ! One love, lets rip some weight off.