Keto Is Life Dietbet

71 members $36,168.59 won 832.1 lbs


10/23/2020 2:31PM
Join me in this Keto based game!

Dena S.

04/17/2018 7:31PM
I just started a new keto game if anyone wants to join me.

Revinjan F.

01/08/2018 5:38PM
Hi guys Im new to this keto. Anyone got tips and experiences that you could share so i could learn and understand keto from different perspectives


11/11/2017 10:05AM
I love all the positive support we give each other! Sometimes all of the groups and posts and facebooks can get too much! Come join me in our game "GET YOURSELF OFF THE SHELF" and join a group of friends that all have goals like yours! We love to chat, support, challenge and cheer each other daily! Small enough to feel much more personal but not to small that its quiet!! We would love to have you join our crew!! Starts the day AFTER Thanksgiving!

Shasha79 likes this comment.


11/08/2017 5:03PM
I really liked the Keto Dietbet. It was a smaller group and I did not feel lost. I can't wait till the next one.

Tasha Ketoislife likes this comment.

Cindy D.

10/10/2017 8:42PM
Hey there. I am on the next keto bet starting tomorrow. I won the last one! Whoot whoot! I love the keto life and have had great success loosing weight.

Jami, Ketogirl, Lulu and Tasha Ketoislife like this comment.

Tasha Ketoislife

10/09/2017 6:05AM
I started this group for everyone who has been in my Dietbets for long term accountability. Feel free to share your experiences and encouragement along the way. :)

Ketogirl and Lulu like this comment.