What on earth could I possibly mean?! 

I used to do this all the time and I did it a couple times in January and it bit me in the butt... 

You are a bad spouse in the diet, you don't try you don't care and that day or two before weigh in you get it together and your nutrition and excersize is on point, you may have even starved yourself a little the day before. ALL water and chicken and brocolli two eggs instead of 2 eggs and a sweet potato Epic bar after the workout and STRAIGHT TO BED, you and your diet are now back on good terms right.. lets so what the scale says.. OHH you gained 3 lbs, the scale breaks your heart and you break up with your diet because now "It's too late..." 

Just like a bad spouse! They take advantage of you, they don't listen, they don't care, they are unsupportive, they don't really seem to be around and when they feel you pulling away from them to get ready for the big break they turn everything around to try to convience you to stay because they NEED you! But in the end we take the smart road and we high tail it out of there (sometimes..kind of..not everyone...i didn't when I should've..point is You deserve better!) 

Just like the scale and the diet.. we can starve ourselves and eat as much bland chicken the day before and probably not turn 5 days of who cares eatting around enough to make that scale love us again. 

Friday's are my weigh in, typically I weigh in first thing in the morning, don't make myself breakfast and stop and get a heavenly bacon AM crunchwrap, I don't bring a lunch I'll hit YAYA's and get my favorite wrap(def not healthy) and then it's date night, we go to Chinese, Mexican, maybe Annabelles for some amazing Mac n Cheese (If you are from Mid Michigan message me for directions to Annabells!) all while having a diet coke by my side all day... WHY!? I'm going to reward myself with taking two steps backward, feeling like crap on Saturday - my sacred and holy day off to enjoy myself and life, and then try to get back in the swing of things?? That's not a reward.. that's sabotaging yourself.. not cool, self, NOT COOL! Even my Monday or Tuesday, I don't feel like cooking in the morning or at night so I'll either stop at Tim Hortons and get myself the Bagel BELT because since it has tomatos and eggs on it for sure it's a health guarentee.. NOT! Or if i'm feeling extra lazy, after Zumba or after crossfit I'll stop and get a hot n ready... thought process "I have DAYSSS to burn off these 4 slices of pizza and these 3 pieces of crazy bread" and then when I only lose a couple of ounces i'm "mistified" but why...? I did this to myself, I know I did this to myself, but I turn into the victim and stomp around the house- freaking the dog out scarying my fiance to huddle and rock in a corning, while i'm yelling this isn't working, somethings wrong with me, why can't I lose weight blah blah blah... ohhh wait.. this is MY fault.. I sabotaged my week and I shouldn't be angry at anyone by myself. But like a bad spouse Wednesday I know i'm being ridiculous so out comes the gallon jug of water the sign up for two work outs the eggs, the bland chicken, the broccoli, and the mind thinking that "It's not to late" I can make that scale love me" ohh no, that scale is out the door! 

There is NO WAY I'm alone here! 

The joy of the nutrition plan i'm working with is i'm eating 90/10 clean, the first week I did this successfully and lost 5lbs BOYAH! How 90/10 works out I eat 21 meals a week, 2.1 of them gets to be as dirty as I want, pizza, nachoes, burgers pb&j but the diet isn't going to work if 2 sometimes 3 4 FULL DAYS are dirty! That's more dirty than clean meals! And I wonder why I gained on the scale. I've worked it out where If we don't have family dinner that weekend I'll do date night Friday or Saturday night, and then Monday or Tuesday is usually my other cheat meal, I used to not have crossfit Tuesdays so it worked out perfectly. It's nice to be able to still have some of my favorites once in a while but it's so easy to take advantage. I've noticed if I don't have a YOLO dirty meal for breakfast the rest of my day is pretty balanced, a good lunch and maybe an effy dinner on a day I feel I can be dirty. 

I thought about this last night when I got into bed thinking about this morning and the weigh in and I had to share. I thought it was a decent analogy. :) 

Have the most successful day!
