Yes, in this case that is the right use of 'sole'. Keep reading.

I have been stuck in week 4-5 of the Couch to 5K. It's all mental. I know I can do the run as I have run 10 minutes straight. But I give up on myself and stop walking.

To address this, I decided to join a run clinic. They didn't have one at the level I *thought* I belonged, so I went to the lowest one. It's a run/walk - typically 1:1 with increased endurance over the 12 weeks.

My plan was to use this to work on my speeds, while continuing to work on long runs. I truly thought it would be a confidence booster.

And then I went to my first clinic. In a room of 50 ish people, I was the largest woman there. I tried not to let it bother me as there are different clinics and a good chunk of the people are marathon runners. Me? I'm a marathon napper.

Our route started with a huge hill. I wondered if they would notice if I turned around and went back to my car. 

I survived the first run (barely) and got cramps. I powered through most of the 2 and 3rd runs, quitting about 10 seconds earlier than the rest of the group, even though I had slowed my pace to turtle pace.

I started looking at nearby streets to see if I could navigate myself back to my car. I started hating myself for being the largest and slowest. I felt like failure. I was on the verge of tears, but didn't want to make a scene (which tends to happen anytime I push myself physically in a group....25 km bike ride, kid version of the Spartan, etc). I knew crying wouldn't make it better.

On the 4th run, another runner kept pace with me - even though it was slow. When I started to give up, she encouraged me. Cue the waterworks - almost. I choked back my sobs. I pushed through. She stuck with me for the remaining 5 runs.

At the end of it, everyone is stretching and chatting. I was trying not to die or pass out (I was seriously dizzy). 

I wish I could say I had a lightbulb/motivating moment. Or something inspiring. But right now? Nope. Still feel like a failure. Still hate being the largest and slowest. 

Will I go back? Probably. I'm a sucker for punishment.