Great post and good for you for looking at yourself and seeing a person instead of a size!! It's so hard to do but so important. I used to teach a scrapbooking 101 class - back in the day - and I always made sure to encourage the attendees to make sure they were in the pictures as well, regardless of how they thought they looked! It was brought home to me personally when my ex was killed in a car accident and I went through all of our family photos to put together photo books for our 3 kids. I had enough pictures of him to fill all 3 albums (with lots to spare) but there were less than 10 pictures of me (total) because I thought I was fat. Had I been the one in the accident my children would not have had much to remind them of me or the things we did together. That has changed. I love this post! It is so important for all of us to realize that we are worthy and wonderful regardless of our size!
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