Ten days to go and one pound to win!  Enter the Sandbag workout... possibility.

This is new to me but looks promising. What I like about it is the workout that I have seen is that it is simple. Not crazy moves but a simple duffle bag . Basically you weight up a duffle bag (or old purse) and pick it up and put it down. Hey I can do that! OK there are other moves.


There are a number of workouts and blogs on Pinterest. Another think that catches my eye and mind is that I can make a ricebag (sandbag) with rice. And that white enriched rice kept sealed stays fresh for like 20 years and it’s pretty cheap still. Oh and it comes weighed for you! ;-) Buying it in 5 pound bags or 1 pound bags, I can make my starter bag and increase it or decrease it as I need to! (http://www.runningtothekitchen.com/sandbags-salads/)

I am looking forward to trying this workout out! OH there was one warning – start out lighter than you think you can handle as it’s a back breaker and you don’t want to land yourself flat for days! WELL that is a warning now isn’t it!

Still, could be a fun.

Youtube Research.




Make your own bags

