This is short and sweet. Look around you. Be Grateful.
There is something about being grateful for today, to put yourself into a winning mood. The mood that gives you the confidence to walk one more mile. The mood that gives you the confidence to know that you don’t need to eat that slice of cheese cake today or tomorrow, but can schedule it next week.
Being grateful builds your confidence.
If you are reading this, you had enough dollars to bet you could, and there are many who didn’t or don’t. Be grateful. If you are reading this, you still have a goal and a vision for yourself, and being grateful will get you through it as well as perhaps be the confident inspiration for another on the same journey.
So, be grateful.
You are an amazing being. And know this, I am grateful for each one of you, because there were days I needed your confidence in me to get me through that day, and there will be days in the future, I will gratefully accept your confidence building comments! TODAY accept mine – THANK YOU for being you! I am grateful that you are you! And I BELIEVE IN YOU!