So I have just weighed in for my weekly weigh-in for the Transformer I am on, and guess what. I am still 200.8lbs. Thats right, not .2 or .7 nott 199, still 200.8. Why!! This is 10 days now at the same weight.

But the worst bit is I know where I am going wrond. I am still getting in good exercise and keeping active, and my meals are healthy. However I have been a little stressed and tired and been helping that with some chocolate biscuits. 

Why? I know getting into ONEderland is a big thing for me so am I subconciously sabotaging myself? Am I really doing that. I thought I was over that?!

I do not see anyother reason as to why I am (i want to write failing but) not getting rid of the weight and comitting myself fully. I am letting my guard down. And now I only have a few days to hit target. We are going to The Foo Fighters gig tonight and I want to have a few drinks, my husband wants to take me out for lunch - but now I am freaking out about what I eat!! I should be enjoying life not freaking out about it!!

I should have done better already and lost most the weight by now and now I wouldn't be struggling like this!


But I will continue! I will persist. I will not give up!! I promise!