How about "daddy's 'getting-littler-every-day' girl?"Not to get all deep here but do you think that wanting to blend in when you were at a heavier weight has gotten you in the mindset that you didn't want compliments, didn't like compliments and rejected them and shot down compliments or got weird (shy or uncomfortable) that it's a difficult wall to break down for the people around you that you've trained to not say anything.I know that for years one of my dear friends who is absolutely gorgeous but struggled with her weight would respond to compliments with one line "are you drunk?" And it just drove me nuts. Now after a good heart to heart I explained to her that I hope she thinks higher of me to know that I wouldn't say something I didn't mean and that to just practice saying "thanks". Now she says thanks and I think she's starting to believe people. I don't know you but you are beautiful, you're tenacious (52 lbs!!!! Right on) and you are learning to put yourself first. You go girl.
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