So here's my take on why people don't comment on weight loss. I think that weight and body image is so carefully guarded as the thing you don't talk about in polite society-- no politics at dinner, no religion on the bus, no mention of your size all the time. I get that weight loss is considered generally "good" and praise-worthy, but telling someone they have lost weight kind of remarks that you NOTICED they needed to-- whether you meant to or not, whether you thought they needed to or not. I think we're all so obsessed with body image that it's scary to comment on anything physical on anyone. I have a very large friend who lost a lot of weight, and whenever people would say "wow, you lost a lot of weight!" She would reply, yes, I know, because I did it. She would get really upset at the attention. That doesn't apply to everyone, obviously, I mean, I want everyone to tell me all the time if they think I lost weight whether I have or not. But they don't. If I bring up that I am working on losing weight, I hear it -- oh, you can really tell, you look great, blah blah. But it is not something that's just freely offered. And I think your description of feeling uncomfortable when the subject was brought up by your sweet father is probably evident to other people. They can probably tell you'd balk a little and just avoid the topic to keep everybody comfortable. But that's just my guess. I know when someone asks how much weight I've lost and I tell them, they look surprised, becaus
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