Follow-up: ‘Cravings’

Heather T.

03/15/2016 10:29AM
you forgot addiction. So many foods are laden with sugar and fat, which have been proven to be extremely addictive. If we cut these foods out, it helps with the cravings. However, sometimes it sets us up for a binge. If I restrict too much, then if I slip and fall, I tend to jump off the cliff. So the question is, how to we compromise and not jump off the cliff but still allow ourselves a treat here and there or give in to our craving that just won't go away. Also, this may be TMI, but hormones are a huge factor as well. I'm completely famished when it comes to PMS, and not for protein! I can eat as much protein and vegs as I want and still crave carbs. B/c that's what my brain wants. I'm low in seratonin (and estrogen) so I crave carbs. Anyhoo, my two cents. ;)

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