Word to the wise: before you start your 30 day shred on a carpeted floor, be sure that you vaccum first. I think last night I picked up every little hair and dust particle on my exceptionally sweaty legs.
Last night was my first night back at rededicating myself to taking care of myself. MYSELF! That's my mantra right now. I'm being selfish. Sometimes it's not a bad thing to put yourself first. I started out by making this delicious dinner of pork chops and lots of different veggies, and sweet potato fries I made frm cutting up an actual sweet potato. Not a big deal, I know, but before I would have bought the frozen stuff with all the additives and would have congratulated myself on how healthy I was. Now I'm trying to learn how to cook from stratch, and it's quite the interesting journey. I did sprinkle my sweet potato fries with nutmeg, cinnamon, and crushed red pepper flakes. Sweet and spicey, it was delicious! And I felt full with good fuel. Which is good, because I kicked my own butt last night.
I first started off with a run through my new neighborhood. There's a little lake about a mile from my new place that I like to run around, but I was getting bored with that path. So turning on my couch to five K app (FREAKING LOOOOOVE, totally worth the dollar to get the upgrade), I started down the street and kept running. I'm up to week 3 so the longest I ran was 3 minutes, but in that humidity that was enough. Then right when I got home I hopped in the car to go to the gym to go do my 5x5 weight lifting program. I'm squatting 175 lbs now, and it's just now starting to get difficult. With a broken finger, I have a really hard time doing any kind of heavy pull motions, so I use straps to help my left hand keep a grip. I forgot my straps though!! So I did the program, and a bunch of push lifts for good measure. Strong shoulders/chest FTW!
Then when I got home, I mustered up enough courage to pop in Jillian's 30 day shred. Now at this point I was running a little low on fuel, but I could do it. It was only 20 minutes I kept telling myself. I've never finished this program, but with the kick I need, I thought it would help. I was pouring sweat after the first circuit of cardio! The first time I had to get down on the ground to do abs, I was laughing at myself because MY SHINS WERE SWEATING. I know I'm working hard if my shins are sweating. I finished the first workout mentally strong, but physically exhausted. I used 5 lb weights, and almost used them the whole way through. I had to put them down halfway through the last strength training section. But I did it.
And my roommates didn't hear me at all when I was bouncing around upstairs. So all in all, a good day.