Pretty early to be falling off track, but trying to get it together

Julie G.

07/25/2015 10:38AM
Catherine, I know how disappointing it is to fall off the wagon YET AGAIN, and have to pick yourself up YET AGAIN, but try to recognize that you are NOT starting all over again. You have all the knowledge that you've already learned. You are starting from a different place. There are some people who do not turn to food when they are emotional, but many, many people do turn to food, so try not to think of that as a personal weakness. I turn to food, but I try to stay away from the junk-y foods...instead of donuts, I might have whole grain bread with peanut butter, sliced banana and honey. Or I make homemade macaroni and cheese (total comfort food), but use whole wheat pasta. Not to say I'm perfect, lol, because beer, wine and chocolate regularly make an appearance in my grocery cart! But, I try to mostly eat foods with nutrients, so I don't feel physically crummy on top of feeling emotionally crummy. I think getting your body back to feeling good physically is the first step in feeling better. Get through the next couple of days of working as best as you can, striving for fruits and vegetables, lean proteins and whole grains. Know it won't be perfect, but it's only a few days, and then you can make it a priority to get to the grocery store. You definitely made a good decision by ending the relationship (you deserve someone who motivates you to do better, and who strives to be better himself), but major changes are always a stressful, even if they are good changes.

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Thank you for your words of encouragement! I really got it together the last day or so, managed to tackle cleaning the entire house, talked my co-workers into covering for me so I could take a quick nap at work, and I have the next 28 hours off from work, so after I get some much needed sleep, I can't wait to get back to the grocery store and then rock out to my iPod during Meal Prep Monday (even if I'm a day late) and get back on track!

Julie G.

Sometimes, it does a world of good just to vent how badly you are feeling/how badly things are going! I'm glad you are feeling back in control of things!

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