The Future Looks Bright


08/18/2015 12:33PM
I love love the blog option on this site. I've found it really keeps me accountable and keeps me motivated. ...I guess that means I should get back on the horse and get serious again. I've been slacking. Anyway, I agree with you-- a HUGE part of all this weight loss stuff is internalizing our particular brand of crazy and working out all the triggers, etc. As far as never feeling good enough-- girrrrrrl. I'm starting to see that the inferiority complex is part of being female. It's in so so many of us-- especially but not limited to those of us trying to lose weight. I mean, those of us who actually need to lose weight, as opposed to the complex telling us we need to-- you know what I mean. But you've got this. You can do this. And so can I :)

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