So, I had serious doubts that I would not be able to make this last weigh-in, and found myself about 5 pounds up with 2 days to go. This turned out to be unfounded, and I was able to weigh in almost a pound low. 

So, over the weekend I gave myself a break and drank so many calories in the form of soda--my nemesis and serious sin-food. 

When I was growing up, soda was a special treat. I would look forward to holidays when I would see my grandparents because it inevitably meant that I could have a glass of Pepsi. I loved the sugar and caffeine rush it gave me, so it became my major chemical crutch to get through tiredness or mid-afternoon blahs. 

The trouble of course comes when this is a major source of fluid entering the body. I wish I could just turn off the cravings for this type of energy pick-me-up when my mood or body lags. I know there are many better choices, and know that after I kick the caffeine withdrawal headaches to the curb, that my body will expel some weight and start to rebalance itself. 

I never developed another source of caffeine, so treating myself while eating out almost always involved soda. This past weekend due to family meetups and a trip to the mall, this meant having numerous sodas. 

Luckily, with the start of the workweek, I can get back in to the routine before the next weigh in on Friday (I have two active DBs going). 

Today at the mall I was intrigued to find a tea store that was selling a tea-making machine. While I don't understand tea very much, including understanding the need to develop a couple hundred dollar machine to heat water and steep some leaves, part of me wonders if I can develop a liking for green tea to supplant my use of soda. I feel like this will be a much healthier alternative to soda, of course, but may also be able to energize me using more natural ingredients.

That's all for now. I know that soda is my Achilles Heel in my quest for a healthy diet. I need to give it up for good and just drink water. The binge is over. Time to recover.