I say if they can tailor the program for your disabled son, then they can surely do the same for you. Go back to cross fit! But in reality, 80% is diet. Eat better and you'll loose weight, no worrying about carving out extra time to workout. I lost my first 20lbs barely exercising. I was just eating better, and still now, when I get off course, if I just start eating right again, it comes back down. You don't have to go crazy right this second. Try to switch one bad diet thing out a day.. Snacking on bad stuff at night?msnack on good stuff at night. Getting fast food between all those kid shufflings? Throw something in the crock pot in some of those days where you aren't racing off at the butt crack of dawn.. Or pick something that is healthier from the menu.. No matter how much you want the fries. Lol but bottom line, you have to want it. Just like any drug addict, you won't get better unles you want to get better.. No amount of money will motivate you. Make one good choice today. Right now. It will naturally lead to more good choices. Good luck.
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