Tonight at the stroke of midnight (the time, not our cat) - and I never really know how to day tomorrow when it's like 1 second past midnight "yesterday" but.... at midnight, hubs (David Nottingham) and I will WALK - not run cause I just dont do that ... yet - a 5k.

This started a couple of years ago and I did awful. And if you can believe it, I did even worse last year! We only did 1 mile so it wasn't even timed nor recorded so I guess there is no real evidence against me..... ! But its pretty bad when you are past by people older than you are and you come in like 20 people from last out of almost 1200 people! After that humiliating experience I decided to try to do better, starting with putting down 20 pounds.

I say put down 20 pounds because, well, hubs weighed less (past tense! not so much anymore, hey David!) and I would say to him, as he walked like twice as fast and twice as far as I could, "Here, you carry 50 pounds in hand weights and lets go for a walk now! Cause that is how much more than you I weigh!" 

He didn't even get across the room before he wanted to "PUT THEM DOWN"! So now, instead of saying I want to 'lose' weight - I say I want to put it down!

Anyway, I joined Dietbet January 27th, for my first Kickstarter game. I have been in 14 games not counting the Transformer game I an in now nor the one I am hosting in January ( JOIN MY GAME! https://www.dietbet.com/games/76089/) and I have been a runner up only once (might change with this current game and my new game cause, oh baby it's just not coming off!) and I have won money!!! I think I have won like $300 (dietbet says more but that's because of how they calculate it) and well... 74pounds (dietbet says less cause I started losing when I signed up but a week before I weighted in the very first time!) 

OK Back to NEW YEAR's EVE and goals for the new year - make 'em!

I mean how can you get anywhere until you know where you want to get?

And when you make them, make them reasonable! I hope to lose 20pounds by May 30, 2016 and then keep it off (mostly) for the rest of my life!  I want to do more 5k's and I want to .... start.... running??? jogging??? or maybe just racewalking (bad knees) But I definately want to continue in the healthy lifestyle!

What's your goals for 2016?  Post them here!