One Epic Disaster (and why it matters for DietBet)


01/02/2016 3:57AM
Kristine, wow! You sound like one determined, hard-working lady, who knows how to jump hurdles, dodge curveballs and come out "smelling like a rose" in the end! Obviously, you have proven to yourself that you can do hard, unpleasant-but necessary things! Use that same tenacity and grit to get you to your next health goal. I have know doubt that you will get there. Blessings on you!


Sorry for typos! I really should proofread more or wear reading glasses- or BOTH!


Juanita, your comment brought tears to my eyes. I think you are giving me a LOT of credit, but I appreciate your faith that I can do this. I will certainly give it all that I have! Thank you for leaving this encouragement on the post! I will treasure it.

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