Sometimes, when I read other peoples blogs or posts, I get so jealous!! Working out and eating clean, and the pounds seem to fly off them. Not me. I have been very consistant with my diet, first on the ketolytic one for three weeks( I started three weeks before joining the game), and I had to stop because my blood pressure went highwire when I could not digest the heavy food. After that,- the last week, I have been eating veggies, fruits, oatmeal, weight loss shakes and fat-free icelandic yoghurt.. I drink my water. I have been working out three times a week, and put in some exersice in my dayly routines. I have not strayed once. And the result is almost two pounds down.
One of my friends have been doing the same intake of calories, but no exersice, and he lost twenty pounds in the same four weeks. I want to kill him. But he is very encouraging, and do understand my plight. And he always refer to "us" changing "our" lifestyle.
On the other hand, I know this is what I have to deal with, because I am weight loss resistant. I have written more about that in another blog post. I cannot stop my medication, turn menopause around or fix my joints with a magic wand, but I can loose weight. Just not very fast. I have been like this my whole life, as have most members of my famly. Some of them have hypoteriose, the others are just weight loss resistant.
When I am with other people and do the same things and eat the same food, I gain up to ten pounds a week. The others loose weight or stand still. I just cannot eat the sme kind of food, or the same amount of calories. I would be the most likely survivor ov a post-apocalypse scenario. One of the upsides with our familys curse is also that we are dicease-resistant. And not a single member of our family has ever had cancer. We all die of heart attacks.
I have been to a "fat camp", and I had the time of my life, actually. I had nothing to do exept eat clean and exersice four or five hours a day. Others went out and bought some snacks from time to time, not me. Some chose to skip some of the classes to rest up, not this girl. When the exersice ended for the day, I went swimming with some of my new friends. I lost two pounds. And was happy about it. Some of the girls my size lost up to 28 pounds that month.
I have good weeks, where I may loose more, and I have bad weeks, where I slip and give in and feel sorry for myself. It really sucks. It is so hard to get motivated sometimes!
But something has changed. I no longer feel I am sacrificing when I stick to my diet. I feel, as I shoukd, that I am beeing nice to myself. I am getting to like me.That is serious progress. I have this optimism that someday I will start losing faster. And I do feel healthy.
I reached a plateau that lasted for ore than a year, and I am happy to have comitted to this once more, and I am happy tht I actually loose weight at all, but I get really jealous abot the people that loose so much more than I do. But I will stay on track, and I will win this callenge. It only takes more effort from me. Because I am weight loss resistant.