today I hae been clean for four weeks. No chocolate, cake, dessert.... I just ate som liquorice (?) that suddnly appeared on my mom's table. I pure accident. There is chocolate there too, but I am staying strong. I want a badge or something!!
I started to panic a bit three days ago, when I realized that four weeks of a rater strict eating regime had given next no zero result. Yesterday I had less than 800 calories, the day before I was down to 650. That is insane, I realize that. So from friday to monday, I am going to up my intake to at least 1400, and do it as clean as I can.
I am visiting my mom, and here it is glazed over with ice everywhere. I have to strap on some seriously studded soles to my boots to walk outside. My furry brother,- a german shepherd of 50-60 kilos, is thrilled to have me here and get a lot of attention. My mom leaves tomorrow and return on monday, so little bro and I are going for walksies five times a day in the woods just outside the fence. Thank God he is an elderly gent, and is happy with my pace.
Ice is fun when you are young, but I scream in pain if my foot slips half a step, so I have to walk like was using a walker.. It sucks to bee that fragile! I never break any bones, but my spine is not responding well to sudden movements!
But I have been clean for four weeks! I am proud! And utterly frustrated about not loosing weight. Ok I did loose one and a half pound, in four weeks, but I had hoped for more, I must admit that.