We came back from vacation a few weeks ago. Our vacations typically involve a lot of food and liquor. It's our time to relax, indulge and enjoy without thought for the consequences.

During the vacation, my husband was bit by a bug. The bite became infected and we went to see his doctor. The doctor noticed that he was almost due for routine blood work, so while we were there she had us visit the lab.

The results were concerning. They included elevated liver levels. The doctor called and said "No alcohol for 6 weeks, then come back for a retest." So he and I both have been avoiding alcohol, and will continue until his mid-March test.

I'd already been thinking about what a huge part alcohol had been starting to play in our lives. He goes out with his coworkers several times a week for lunch or happy hour drinks, and for meet and greets with vendors. Then he would come home and have a drink with me. Date nights always involved at least one drink for each of us. And who doesn't enjoy a glass of wine when they're quilting? Or a beer after yard work?

Alcohol was becoming routine for us. I think it has been routine for him for awhile, but for me definitely over the past few months. It has also become a coping mechanism for me. Bad day? Unwind with a drink. Have to be social? Just have a drink, it'll be fine. Want to fit in? Have a drink. It's not good, and not healthy.

So for me, my husband's blood test was a blessing. It was weird at first to not have a drink on date night, or when quilting, or when cooking, or just because. It gave me an excuse to step back from the alcohol routine to see how much it had become a part of my life. And, him not drinking has made it easier for me not to drink too.

I'd like to say that this will continue after his next blood test, but I don't know that I can. What I can say is that this reset is a good thing. It has reminded me that I come from a long line of alcoholics and that I need to watch for that tendency in myself. I've always seen it with food, and now with alcohol too.