Starting over again for the millionth time. When times get tough my eating and exercising go right out the window. I forget to plan and end up falling back into bad habits.
I forget that eating healthy makes me feel good. It's not just about losing the weight, but that consistent healthy eating makes me have even energy levels throughout the day. I don't like the rollercoaster of sugar highs/lows and the sluggish feeling after a too-large meal.
I forget that I love to work out. It makes me feel strong and accomplished that my body can do all these things. I love to see my progress as I get better at the different moves. I can't wait to do a routine to see how much better I can do it or see how much faster I can run a loop.
I don't know why it's so hard to remember these things. They're all healthy for me and make me feel good. Backsliding is so easy. It sucks. It starts a downward spiral that makes me want to start binge eating to make me feel better, but that only makes me feel worse.
Sigh. Today is Day 1. Again.