The weekend while not exactly bad didn't seem to be very good. I drove the drunk bus both Fridsay and Saturday nights this week. For those not familiar with this: The local college , a small Lutheran affair, hires three short buses from the city to haul its students around on Friday and Saturday night. It seems to benefit everyone except the transit service. The one night somebody on the bus I was driving tried to make off with the fire extinguisher. What the hell? Then Saturday night someone else broke out the window right behind one of the other drivers. So that's the backdrop for my foul mood, my Mr. GrumpyFace mood.

I felt like drinking beer and eating bratwurst this afternoon. It was just a momentary thing, an invitation to a cookout on a beautiful March evening. I wanted to go in the worst way, but Mr. GrumpyFace said no. 

I felt like forgetting about a walk today. It is wet and Dog would need a bath when we got home. I had myself talked into it. After I got up I put on my slippers, got a cup of coffee and parked my ass in my chair with the paper. After a bit Dog got annoyed that I was fouling up his morning routine. He sat there thumping his tail and eventually brought his leash over. The chair was warm and comfortable but Mr. GrumpyFace forced me to get up and take the dog out for a long walk.

Sometime we don't want to do the right thing. We are too tired, too preoccupied, or to angry and want to say screw it. But as the little voice in the head keeps gnawing away until finally we do do what we expect of ourselves. Persoanally I may feel a liitle pissed, a little resentful, but at the end of a long day I quietly say to myself, "Thank you Mr. Grumpyface."