So, I lasted longer than many new years resolutioners, but I've been slipping. Made my DB WI, but I know I could be doing better. Top that off with the flu/strep throat whatever it was that blazed through our house, and I really feel like I'm off track. So, two pronged approach.

1. Touching base with my original motivation

I want to be fitter to be a good role model for my kid, to enjoy life to the fullest and to be healthier

2. Put some interim goals in place. Headed to a beach vacation on April 23rd, and that is only 45 days away. I will feel really good if I stick to my 'good habits' for the next 45 days (these are my daily checkmarks)

- abs before bed (weeknights)

- exercise 30 min

- under calorie goal

- 1/2 cup grain max

- no aspartame

- greent tea 3 cups

- 4 L H20

- 1 tbsp olive oil

- in bed by 10 (weeknights)

I can and I will do this.