I'm back.
I wanted to take a break that was long enough to feel like a real break from everything and to get "sick" of "junk food." I was sick of junk food three days in but I still had so much "on my plate", no pun intended. School has been insane. Now I know why everyone advised me not to take 5 classes this semester. I have really been trying to make an effort on my self-care though. That really helps ground me and keep me focused on what's most important: my health.
So I am goign to set some goals for the next week!
1. Workout at least 3x this week
2. Floss EVERY NIGHT (I am going to make a dentist appt before I get kicked off my parent's health insurance)
3. Moisturize my face and neck 2x/day each morning and night (bye bye wrinkles)
4. Do at least 30 minutes worth of homework EVERY night before I got to bed, that way I am not binging on tv/browsing the internet/killing my braincells. I have this habit of staying at work until 7:30-8pm and then coming home and putting everything away and never looking at it again. Then I have trouble sleeping bc I can't stop thinking of all the things due tomorrow.
5. Increase my protein to 40% protein 35% carbs 25% fat. The protein isn't hard to keep up but keepign the fat down is key.
Today I worked out 45 minutes in my gym, glossed, mositurized, and meditated for 10 minutes. For dinner I ate some steak, lettuce, and hummus. No booze today, no sweets today, no coffee.