DAY ONE -- Walked over 13K steps, had spinach and fruit for dinner... and was a pound lighter than my starting weight!
DAY TWO -- Well.... I had a pizza lunch at a job training session. Strangely, I felt a mild panic when I saw the only bottled drinks were juice and pop -- as I'm trying to cut both of those drinks out-- and then total relief when I saw a jug of water. Then, later the only vegetarian option was grilled cheese (with an apple instead of chips, and green tea instead of pop.) Not great, but not too terrible, I thought.
...And then my bestie randomly decided to make me a cake for my 32nd birthday... which was in December. I had meant to have a party and just never did. You can imagine why SEVEN months later, I was beyond super confused when she made me close my eyes and everyone started singing. She made this amazing Firefly-themed cake, the ship Serenity (pictured) which is one of my favourite shows.
What are the chances? I start the first official diet in... four? five? years and she makes me a birthday cake half a year after my birthday? LOL.
I cut myself the smallest piece I could and gave away most of the cake to other people at the board game cafe we were at, but there was still a lot left over. I had to insist I not take the leftovers home at least three times. The weird thing was I genuinely did not want to take it. I mean, I did-- it was really good cake. Chocolate. Strawberries. Homemade sugar cream icing. Serenity-shaped -- and a few weeks before I would have hoped I had plenty left over and probably eaten it in a few days, but yesterday all I could think was DO. NOT. TAKE. THIS. HOME.
Then today, certain I would have gained back the pound I lost the day before, I weighed myself and I somehow miraculously lost another pound. I don't understand it, but I'll take it, LOL.
DAY THREE: My friend randomly emailed me a coupon for a great deal on a dozen Krispy Kreme doughnuts.
...Okay, Universe, I see how it's gonna be. Challenge accepted.