Grumble, grumble, grumble
So here I am again, right back to almost where I started last year. I was doing great and keeping what I had lost in my previous transformer off until February then I lost my mind.
I had lots of things going on, my dad got sick and was in the hospital, I went on several artist retreats and trips and just basically either overate due to stress or just plain ignored my healthy ways. So I am paying the price.
I just got back from an amazing vacation and I hate the pictures of me. I'll keep them, post them and cherish them but I won't ever resemble them again. The pic is of me in a resturant in Scotland. I like it but I don't love it and I am relly unhappy with myselft for being here agian.
I know I need to get back to eating healthy before I slide back to where I was before I started taking care of myself. I am still down 40 from my original start weight but I am up 14 from where I was in February :0(
I just joined another Transformer, this coming February I am joining my parents in the Turks and Caicos Islands for a week and I am determinied that I will be comfortable in my skin again!