Why post this? Because... I don't recognize myself anymore. I can't reconcile the difference. Seven hard years, with huge stress, hormonal changes, kids growing, life happening all around... and the woman in this picture is just a memory. But she's the memory I cherish: the one and only time in my life when I felt worthy, interesting, sexy, pretty. The one and only time when I looked at my curves -- which I had hated and tried to hide all my life -- and saw something that was "ok". When I felt most things were possible, when I woke up each morning with joy in my heart, and when I believed in myself. I'm not that woman anymore - not that girl. But I want to be. I'm fighting, right here and right now, to find her again. For me, for my husband, and for the example I set for my children and the rest of my extended family: I pledge not to stop till I arrive. Goodbye, 40 pounds :)
Posted on October 24, 2016
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Sign in to CommentYou can do it, Cath! So much of your post resonates with me. I'm having a hard time with this season of my life. I miss my littles, who are now teenagers. I always thought I'd be awesome at mothering during this, but turns out it's killing me :(
Cath likes this comment.
Cath! I totally understand how life gets in the way. But you are still worth it. You are still interesting. You are still beautiful. The extra pounds don't change that. I know that's easier to say than to believe, but the extra weight is just extra weight. It doesn't change who you are. But I cheer you on to victory so that you feel comfortable in your skin again!
Cath likes this comment.
<3 you WILL BE! You still ARE that woman, deep down, and you will find her again! Life happens and we sometimes lose ourselves, but we will FIND her!
Cath and WayBetterJen like this comment.