I am so not a breakfast eater - but hubs is because he has sugar issues. He isn't really hungry first thing in the morning, but we learned years ago his blood glucose levels are better if he remembers to eat some little somthing every 2 hours throughout the day starting with breakfast. I am soooo the opposite! haha! If I eat first thing in the morning, then I am eating all day long - so hungry! But if I only have coffee (black when on the keto diet) and maybe some vinegar water then I can go till about 2pm before I am really hungry.
Normally I compromise and make a brunch around 10pm and that way, he can still eat lunch at noonish.
So, what is a good keto breakfast? Bacon and eggs and avocados THAT'S WHAT! Real food!
Now, today is day two for my game 28 Days of Keto January Challenge! (I am still looking for 5 players so if you are reading this and are only in one game, join my game! https://www.dietbet.com/games/90468/activity)
NOW the key to a Keto Diet is being in Ketosis every day! and I am not into ketosis yet! Some people use aids to get there (check with my friend and gamer Debbie for more info on that!) I plan to get there the natural way - FAT FAST!
Normal Keto diet - as I posted a few days ago (https://www.dietbet.com/community/posts/general/16698-28-days-of-keto-january-challe) 65% fat + 30% protein + 5% carbs ----- BUT ----- on a FAT FAST you are shooting for 90% fat ---- note don't do this for more than a day at a time! and if you have any question of health -- check with your doctor! I am not a doctor or nurse and I am just getting my info off the internet! http://www.ruled.me/using-fat-fasting-technique/# --- you are an adult so make good choices!!!!!)
Anyway, yesterday I ate standard KETO DIET all day and I should getting a nice purple Keto Stick (like this one https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00TW15GNY/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o05_s00?ie=UTF8&th=1) in about 3 days... but today I am going to shoot for 75% fat + 20% protein + 5% carbs starting with BREAKFAST/BRUNCH!
1 fried egg --- 90 calories (6.7g Fat + 6.1g Protein + 1g carb) == 48% + 44% + 8%
2 slices of bacon --- 90 calories ( 7g fat + 5.8 protein + .2g carb) == 54% + 45% + 1%)
NOT GREAT - cream cheese is almost the perfect keto food at 74% fat! But you know what is even higher? HOMEMADE MAYO! Oil (light olive and canolia mixed) is 100% fat !! you will add 2 raw egg YOKES and some Apple Cider Vinegar (cause I don't use white vinegar except to clean with!) I will use and modify this recipe and use it all day! http://www.enjoyyourcooking.com/sauces-dips/homemade-mayo-egg-yolks-mustard.html
Trust me - making homemade is soooooo easy and takes like 2 minutes to make! DO KEEP IN FRIDGE b/c of raw eggs --- but also, TRY making it!!!! it wont taste the same b/c of using less sugar, but give it a try!
so that is my breakfast / brunch today ---- WHAT ARE YOU EATING for Breakfast today?